Consortium of Probiotics
ClosBO is an innovative “direct-fed microbials” for sustainable solution in gut health integrity.
The combination of microencapsulated foregut and hind gut acting proprietary probiotic strains of Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis and Clostridium butyricum offers the best suitable option as an alternate of AGP- contribution towards antibiotic free production. ClosBO is manufactured with highest technological and quality benchmarks. Strains are isolated from healthy chicken gut and modified to sustain and exert controlling and performance enhancement effects through cascading effects of beneficial consortium. The efficacy of the product has been established through research trials.
Fig: Histology of the jejunum at 35d of age (captured at 4X magnification)
- Enhances weight gain & feed efficiency
- Improves immune response
- Reduces Clostridium load in intestine
- Improves intestinal morphology
Usage & Recommendation:
Poultry & Swine
- With AGP: 100-125 gm/ ton of feed
- Without AGP: 200-250 gm/ ton of feed
Or as per recommendation of nutritionist or consultant.
200 gm/ ton of feed delivering: 800 billion CFU (colony forming unit)/ ton of feed
5, 10 & 25 Kg